hubli green
Access green features throughout the platform to help you decide upon the most sustainable location for your booking and/or meeting​.
Plan where to meet based on CO2 and price
Minimize your meeting carbon footprint by picking locations based on the lowest carbon emissions as well as price.
Using the "Where to meet?" planning tool built into the booking engine you can easily add potential meeting cities to calculate the lowest carbon destination.
Book sustainable spaces
Let's make sustainability part of your venue decision making process by allowing venues to present third party sustainability accreditations.
Once approved each participating meeting venue will receive the leaf icon including a short description and accreditation overview.
The easiest way to find, review and book approved sustainable venues.
Remove high waste items
It's always frustrating to arrive at your venue to see plastic water bottles in your meeting room.
Hubli allows you to remove these items as part of the booking process by simply requesting no plastic bottles, plastic coffee cups and even no notepaper.
Available to everyone who books via the platform this is a fast and easy way to remove high waste items while also using our reporting to measure the carbon savings.